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    China International Arbitration Review


    Case & Study

    China International Arbitration Review

    China International Arbitration Review is a serial professional publication compiled by the China International Arbitration Institute under the sponsorship of the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration and the Peking University Law School to study the difficult and crucial hot issues of arbitration from a global perspective; promote the innovation and implementation of arbitration in China; and promote the development and improvement of international arbitration.

    China International Arbitration Review calls for more contributions from experts, scholars, and practitioners from all walks of life.

    I. Requirements

    1 The subject involves international or domestic commercial arbitration, investment arbitration, or other related fields.

    2. Language: Chinese or English.

    3. Theses, translations, reviews, book reviews, case reviews, documents, etc. that have not yet been published are all acceptable within a word limit of 8,000-25,000 words.

    4. Contributions shall be annotated similarly to the style found in other international research journals. Please indicate the title, the author's name, employed entities, and an e-mail address.

    II. How to Contribute

    Contact: Ms. Li

    Tel.: 0755-83501716


    China International Arbitration Institute